Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Blog Contest!

I wasn't going to do a blog contest this time. I just sent out emails to people to see if they wanted a copy and went from there. But somehow I STILL ended up with an extra copy (maybe 2 or 3 unless I hear back from people on brick and mortar addresses). So, if you're interested in possibly winning a copy of the February 2010 issue of Aoife's Kiss with my story, "Love's Clothing," in it (a sad werewolfy love story), then leave a comment down below by midnight Pacific Time April 25th. Then on April 26 (my birthday, hence the title) I will draw names out of a hat and contact the winner(s).

How's that sound?

Okay - GO!

1 comment:

Charles Gramlich said...

I don't think I've ever written a really sad Werewolf love story. Sounds like a new genre in the offering! Congrats on the story.