Friday, April 9, 2010

In Search of the Best Lemon Cake Ever!

As I mentioned on my last post my birthday is in a couple of weeks, and normally, around my birthday, I like to do things that I know I really like just for me. Some of those things include buying myself flowers (I tend to be partial to yellowy orange roses this time of year, but anything that catches my fancy and spirit makes its way home), treating myself to my favorite lemoncello, and making myself a lemon cake with lemon frosting.

[Normally, at this point, I would insert a picture of one my past tries at my favorite cake, but I can't find any. So, instead, here's a copy of a lemon cupcake I had from Lark, on Sunset, a couple of years ago.]

Usually, I use cake mix from a box and frosting from a tub and just see what I can do with that, decorate it with lemons and voila! My own lemon cake. This year, however, I decided I'd like to try something from scratch, or a little different from just using a box mix and a tub-o-frosting. So, I thought I would look up lemon cake recipes on the interwebs and see what I can find there. There are a LOT of lemon cake recipes out there in the world. There's a Tequila Lemon Cake, a Greek Lemon Cake, and a Lemon Cake with Candied Pansies on the first Google. And a lot more I don't want to sift through. So, what I thought I would do is ask my friends for their help.

So, if you have a recipe for a lemon cake that you really think is the best lemon cake you've ever had, I would love to have you send it my way! And then, if I choose your cake and I'm able to do it justice, I'll blog about it and show a picture and, if you like, let everyone know where I got such a wonderful lemon cake recipe!

Or, if nothing else, I'll get a box of lemon cake mix and see what I can do with lemon juice and lemon rind and then I'll show you a pic of that.

It's all good.

(from my garden when I lived in San Francisco...)


Charles Gramlich said...

I'm more of a chocolate cake kind of guy.

Rachel V. Olivier said...

Yeah, I think a lot of people think I'm a little nutty, cuz I'll eat the chocolate frosting and skip the chocolate cake.