Saturday, April 11, 2009

Poem a Day Challenge Day 10

Cross posted from my blogetary:

Today’s Poem a Day challenge was using the prompt, “Friday.”

So, here’s my entry:


Friday, Fryday, Freya’s day, FRIIIIDAY!
Day of possibilities, the unopened present.
Day when anything can happen and nothing proved wrong.
Frypan food day, Freya’s date night,
Drink with friends and dance with all your might.

Friday is laundry day, stay at home eat pizza day;
Sleeping in on Saturn’s day and wondering about Jupiter’s day.

In the end, though, Friday is my day.


Charles Gramlich said...

After a long week
dreaming of sleep

Rachel V. Olivier said...

That's good! I have to constantly remind myself that less is more.