Monday, June 27, 2016

Teddy News: Happy Six Month Teddy-versary!

Cross posted from Blogetary 2.0

The last two weeks have been very busy at work with pre-production and production at the Larchmont Chronicle, as well as being all sorts of busy and emotional personally (including dealing with the shooting in Orlando), but in the back of my mind I knew this was coming up — the six month Teddy – versary of Teddy coming home with me.

I posted a little bit about it on Facebook and Instagram, but I thought I would do a more comprehensive posting here with pictures of Teddy over the past six months.
Teddy and his shaved back when he first came home.
Teddy and his shaved back when he first came home.
Teddy and I have become pretty good friends. He needs to remind me to play with him sometimes. He reminds me to get up and move around and do things. He is a gentleman who gives me the occasional shoulder massage, soothes me when I'm having a bad day, and is a great alarm when I'm not listening to the one by my bed.

Mom and Heather met Teddy when they came to visit in January. Teddy liked Heather, but he fell in love with Mom and didn't want her leave.

In general, he is a very social cat, more like Kiko was in that way, than Pye. In fact, when other people are around, Teddy really likes to be in the center of the action.
Teddy didn't want Mom to leave.
Teddy didn't want Mom to leave.
Teddy likes to be in the middle of the action.
Teddy likes to be in the middle of the action.
Teddy can see everything from his perch.
Teddy can see everything from his perch.
If there's a spare chair, that's where he wants to sit. I ended up getting a cat tree so that he has a place to sit and survey everyone. The "in box" on my desk wasn't close enough to the action for him.
Teddy's favorite place is still an empty box.
Teddy's favorite place is still an empty box.
And while he enjoys the cat tree, his favorite spot is still an empty cardboard box. So, I'll usually keep one around for weeks after it should have been trashed.

But if I'm at my usual spots — that is working at my desk computer proofreading or working on something, or sitting at the kitchen table composing an early draft, he's either sitting under the desk or on it. On a chair at the table, or on the table itself.
In which we celebrate our six-month Teddy-versary by splitting some liverwurst.
In which we celebrate our six-month Teddy-versary by splitting some liverwurst.
So it seemed entirely appropriate for us to celebrate our six-month Teddy-versary by splitting some liverwurst at the kitchen table.

And finally, his bald patch has finally grown back in.
Teddy's shaved patch has finally completely grown back in.
Teddy's shaved patch has finally completely grown back in.
And now you're up to date on the Teddy News.

1 comment:

Charles Gramlich said...

Looks like he is well settled in