Wednesday, November 7, 2012

‘Rae’s Bar & Bistro’ and ‘The Holly & the Ivan’ now out on ePub for Nook!

You can now download "The Holly & the Ivan" and "Rae's Bar & Bistro: A Poetry Collection," ePub to read on your Nook or iPad!

"The Holly & the Ivan" is available for $1.50 here:

"Rae's Bar & Bistro: A Poetry Collection" is available for $5.00 here:

The plan is to get them out on Kindle eventually, but it depends on ISBNs. Lulu and CreateSpace both offer free ISBNs to their authors and Kindle doesn't seem to be doing that. So, if I have to purchase an ISBN then the Kindle version will be a long while coming. We'll see. I have a question put into them. Hopefully, you'll see these on Kindle soon.


Charles Gramlich said...

I liked the Holly and the Ivan very much. I have the other but have not had a chance to read it yet.

Rachel V. Olivier said...

I good! I've been working on sequels to The Holly and the Ivan, but can't seem to finish them. *sigh* I was going to try to have one of them out by last March and the other by this October. Just didn't work that way.