Thursday, March 6, 2008

Shiny Toy Sent Packing...

Well, the new (to me) shiny laptop is being returned. It worked all of a week before deciding to go belly up, and then I spent more time trying to fix it, and now I gotta use my own money to return it and insure it. Ugh. Waiting for checks to come in from freelance jobs so I can actually do that. Hope it happens before the RMA runs out....

Now my cat is sitting on the work I need to proof and edit, giving me the evil eye. But I fed him dinner! Really I did!



Charles Gramlich said...

sorry for this. It's like when you're ice cream falls off the cone. You think you've gotten something nice, and then... disappointment.

Rachel V. Olivier said...

Exactly! I think they're going to send me a replacement, but I'm kinda thinking I need a refund and then I'll try again later.