Monday, July 16, 2007


Eight Interesting Things Before Breakfast (or at least before I leave for work). Let me know some interesting things about you.

1) I had a huge crush on Peter Pan as a kid and left my window open for him all year round. I was just sure he was coming for me any day. Since my bed was nearest the window, my sister didn't have much say in the matter (we were in a basement - window up high - her arms were too short ;-)).

2) I've wanted to write since I was 8 or 9 years old and scrawled on one of those pieces of newsprint (with room for a picture on the top) "I want to be a author like Laura Ingalls Wilder."

3) I used to think that my mom was actually Mary Tyler Moore on TV. They had the same hairstyle and self-deprecating manner and MTM didn't come on til after mom came home from work.

4) I used to practice throwing and swinging my backpack when I was a kid so I'd have a weapon when the bullies followed me home from school. It was easiest to just avoid them altogether though.

5) Best way to avoid bullies is to either book out of school way before they do so you're nowhere in sight on the way home, OR wait until AFTER they leave and watch which way they take to go home and take another route.

6) There was a mountain behind our school that I used to talk to as a kid. Kind of a friendly looking mountain. Very maternal - I'm sure she was a she. Found out years later that my sister made friends with the same mountain.

7) I didn't use store bought soap as a kid, as Gramma used to make homemade soap and we used it for everything except washing our hair and washing the dishes. She even used to shave it into the washing machine.

8) First washing machine I remember was a wringer machine that stood in the middle of the basement floor. It had a tub where the clothes would wash and then Gramma would run the clothes through the ringer to get the water out.

There now. Not tagging anyone, but let me know fun stuff if you like.



LoveRundle said...

I love it! I had a crush on him too, that's why I left my window open. Your information made me smile. I think this was great.

Charles Gramlich said...

Hum, I never watched Peter Pan until I was older but methinks I'd have preferred Wendy. I remember that we had a washer with a ringer. I used to run crap through the ringer when mom wasn't around just to smash it flat.

Rachel V. Olivier said...

CG: LOL!!!!!!! Yup!

Christina: Mom had to drag me out of the theater after I saw Peter Pan.