Thursday, November 15, 2007

"Slow and Steady Wins the Race..."

It's not a very sexy slogan. But time and again it holds true for me. It's up there with "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." Another one that is not very "sexy" or business-y, but that seems to work for me time and again. This week I have been encouraged by nibbles and simultaneously discouraged by set backs. So, I go about tackling them one at a time. I am not zipping through the obstacles very fast. Each one seems to take longer than I hoped, perhaps because I am discouraged and so move slower when addressing each one. But still, the journey is only taken one step at a time.

I have a couple of revenue enhancing orders under my belt so some money is coming in. I have filled out paperwork, and will need to redo my resume and fill out more paperwork before the week is out if I want more money to come in. Meanwhile, stories I want to revise wait for me to be present enough to revise them. Other stories and reviews that I want to write wait for me to have time to write them. I just gotta keep on going down that road one step at a time.


Charles Gramlich said...

That's the best way, perhaps the only way, of doing it. Continued good luck. I wonder, have you looked into something like "Kelley Temps?" They are almost always looking for folks down here.

Rachel V. Olivier said...

I looked into Manpower, but I don't want to be trapped into an office job. I will just be miserable again. I need to stick with writing, if at all possible.