Monday, November 12, 2007

Recounting the Good Things of the Day...

My life took a left turn recently (not that there's anything wrong with left turns - I mean I'm left handed - and while I know left is considered "sinister" and "gauche" I personally consider it a good thing - but go with me here - it definitely took a left turn) and I am now unemployed.

I stood up for what I believed. There were consequences to my actions, but I can now breathe easier. I'm scared. I need to pay bills and rent still, but each day has become a learning experience where I'm doing the work and seeing God and the Universe hold me up while I go through this transition I'm going through. That's the thing though, I'm not sitting back waiting for things to happen. I am putting in time getting my resume and writing out there. I'm getting advice from friends on how to network and deal with this. I am snagging what freelance work comes my way. And seeing wonderful things happen that just kind of shows the magic of life.

For now, me and my kitty have full tummies and plenty of people litter and kitty litter. I just need to come up with rent and litter for NEXT month. So, if you know of anyone who would like to hire a proofreader, copy editor, writer on a freelance or contract basis, send'em my way! My schedule is open.


Charles Gramlich said...

oh wow, that must be tension provoking. I remember when I just thought I'd been fired after Hurricane Katrina, how anxious I was. Good luck with finding something soon, and you should be proud for standing up for your beliefs. I don't know anyone in the market for that skill set right now but I'll keep a look out. Let us know what we can do to help.

Rachel V. Olivier said...

Thanks, Charles. For now, I'm just doing what I can to get things out there. One day at a time.

Carolyn said...

Yikes! I am so sorry you lost your job, but so glad you stood up for what you believe in. No job is worth compromising your soul for! Besides, there is a nobility in being unemployed. I wish I lived by you so we could have a celebratory glass of wine (or bourbon) together!

Rachel V. Olivier said...

Cheers! We'll have a cyber-drink! I was telling my mom tonight how much better I feel. Like, I've lost psychic weight, but I also think I'm actually losing weight. I actually WANTED to go for a walk today! I haven't felt like that in years.

It will be okay. I'm getting nibbles and bites and bits and I think things will work out. It feels like things will work out to be a lot better than they were. I just need to do the work to get there.