Saturday, April 27, 2013

Words are going extinct! Save an endangered word today!

Crossposted from Blogetary:

Did you know that there are who knows how many obsolete and extinct words that used to be used in everyday speech but have fallen out of use and been forgotten, only to be found occasionally lost and forlorn in old books and dictionaries?

Yes. It's true!

Words like "airgonaut," "boreism," "crassulent," and "phalerate" can be found on The Phrontisery, otherwise known as the Lost Words website. And you can find a few such as "jirble," "California widow," and "snoutfair" here.

Personally, I have chosen to adopt two.
  1. Wonder-wench: A sweetheart — “The Word Museum: The Most Remarkable English Words Ever Forgotten” by Jeffrey Kacirk.
  2. Bookwright: A writer of books; an author; a term of slight contempt — Daniel Lyons’s “Dictionary of the English Language”, 1897.
I hope one day to become a wonder wench, but not necessarily in the meaning given above. I just think it would be cool to be known as the wonder wench. And, I'll continue to work everyday to be that annoying bookwright that normals don't care for, which truly delights and amuses me. Ludo et Vexo!

So, what old, obsolete/extinct/endangered word will you adopt today?


Charles Gramlich said...

I've got to check out this website. I have words like this that I've been using for a long time so I guess I've been trying to save 'em. Swive, for example, which is not a very nice word for sex, and aspergillum, a name for the censer that some churches use to spread around smoke.

Rachel V. Olivier said...

Huzzah! Fight the good fight!