Sunday, November 25, 2012

Announcing a Winner!

Way back when, I announced a contest – anyone in Bellingham, WA or Los Angeles, CA who got their butts into either Village Books or Skylight Books and found copies of my books and took pictures of them and sent them to me, would get a free copy of UnCommon Faire: A Fiction Sideshow, a collection of short stories, most of which have been published in different publications over the last few years.

Well, that was a month ago, and no one’s sent in a pic so I’m declaring an end to that contest. But my mom did actually tool through Village Books in Bellingham to hunt down my books, so she won a copy of UnCommon Faire, and the other spare copy went to a friend as a thank you gift. And I think that’s the end of my trying to market books through blogs and contests. It ends up costing a lot of time and energy and money (copies of books and postage) and doesn’t seem to up the sales any. But at least I can say I tried.

Which isn’t to say I am not going to be writing anymore, but I’ve noticed that I when I try to put energy into writing, marketing my work, working at the paper, and finding and doing work for my business, Putt Putt Productions, something always gets dropped. Usually, it’s the writing bit, which is the most important for the feeding and care of my soul. And I can’t afford to drop working at the paper or finding and doing work for my business because that is important for the feeding and care of my body. So, for now, all the marketing efforts will need to be shelved. I’ve saturated the small group of people this blog and FB and the other social networks reach, and I can’t seem to reach further than that.

Time to pull back, regroup, and stick to what I know, or at least kinda know. I can’t afford to keep trying to get people to buy books I can’t even seem to give away. I just don’t have the energy or anywhere near the expendable income that takes to do it the way it needs to be done.

I also don’t have the energy to be diplomatic and care what people think of my opinions and thoughts, so I might end up making all my profiles private so I can be free to sound off without worrying about whether or not someone somewhere in the writing, editing, publishing community might get offended. Or I might just end up sounding off and The Powers That Be – be damned. I don’t know. I just know, I’m too tired to care anymore about that and if what I say offends you, then quit reading my blog or Facebook or following me on Twitter, and go find someone else who doesn’t offend you. I’m not going to change from far left liberal to your flavor of conservative anytime soon, so don’t even start the argument. You’re wasting your time.

In the meantime, if anyone out there is ever interested in checking out my books and purchasing them you can check them out at:
Putt Putt Productions:


Charles Gramlich said...

I think I'm at exactly the same point. I don't know how to get beyond where I am now with marketing and it certainly hasn't been worth the effort I've been putting into it. I may do a bit more in December and then after that just go back to the writing thing and stop worrying about marketing. I was hoping that I could generate interest in my backlist but it doesn't seem to be working.

Rachel V. Olivier said...

That's it exactly.