Monday, December 27, 2010

Contest Winner!

Okay, I'm a little behind on picking names out of a hat as I slept all day yesterday trying to get over this cold and plan to go back to doing that as soon as I'm done here. Out of the five blogs where I posted the contest there were three entrants (I think this will definitely be the last contest - if so few people care about whether or not they win a free copy of what I write I just need to give up trying to give it way now and hope they at least choose to buy it sometime in the future). If you don't remember, the original contest blog was here: (or it may have appeared to you on my Tribe blog, my MySpace blog, my Blogger blog or my Facebook Notes page).

And the winner is.....

Ms. Smart!

Ta Da!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be contacting you soon for a snailmail address......

Hope everyone is having a happy holiday week!


Charles Gramlich said...

Speaking of that Olivier writer, I don't know if I'd mentioned that I really enjoyed "A Day in the Life of Iris" from Aoife's Kiss, september. Good stuff.

Rachel V. Olivier said...

LOL! Thanks for the pat on the ego! I needed that.