Friday, August 28, 2009

New Chocolate Zoom is Up!

It's the end of summer, but not quite. If you want some ideas for what to do, then check out the new Chocolate Zoom!


Charles Gramlich said...

makes me want to zoom to the store for some chocolate.

Rachel V. Olivier said...

I know. This mag is a blessing and a curse. Makes me wanna dive into a mountain of chocolate every time.

LoveRundle said...

Talking about chocolate, I found this chocolate calculator. It was in a heavy plastic case, but I thought, "Hey, this has a screen on it! Is this chocolate AND a calculator? I will play with this and then eat it!" I found out it was just a chocolate scented calculator. I put it back. I would have bought it if it were real chocolate. How cool would that have been?

Rachel V. Olivier said...

That woulda been hella cool.