Thursday, November 6, 2008

My New Prop. 8 Litmus Test

While I’m happy about the results of the presidential election, I’m deeply disappointed with the results on Prop. 8 here in California that changed the state constitution to take away the rights of people of the same sex to get married. So, I’ve decided I need a new litmus test for where I will and will not spend my money. From now on, if I am going to pay someone a significant amount of money my question will be 1) How did you vote on Prop. 8 or 2) How do you feel about gay marriage? or 3) How do you feel about separation of church and state?

If I get any answer implying they voted for Prop. 8 or are against marriage equality for everyone or think it's okay to get their religious beliefs legislated then they will not get my money. I know I can’t do that with everything, but with those things I have a control over, I want to try to stick to that. Maybe if I vote with my piddly little dollars, or if others pay with their dollars, people will finally understand that you can’t legislate belief systems.

If you believe abortion or gay marriage or birth control is wrong, fine. Believe it. But don’t force the rest of us into your belief system. This is a country that was founded on the separation of Church and State. And part of the Declaration of Independence is the Pursuit of Happiness. I think marrying the person you love, no matter what their gender, qualifies as Pursuit of Happiness!

And if you insist on trying to legislate your belief system then remember what Jesus said to the Pharisees. Give to God what is God’s. Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s. Separation of Church and State - right there.

Also, considering much of the funding for Yes on 8 was from out of state, I’ve decided to write my representatives. If a sovereign state is deciding a constitutional issue, it should be against the law to accept funds from outside the state for that campaign.

My best friend was at a Marriage Equality protest last night. You can read about it here.

Find your representative here.

Find your congressperson here.


Rachel V. Olivier said...

I found these other sites where work is being done to fight back:

Charles Gramlich said...

I applaud your stand on Prop 8

Rachel V. Olivier said...

Thanks. I have too many friends who's lives are impacted by this. I want them to be happy.

Rachel V. Olivier said...

Here's a better link for that third site:

Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

I am bitter about this proposal. Of course, I live in Michigan where they passed a constitutional amendment against gay marriages a few years back.

It sickens me to see a segment of the population deprived of certain rights. We need to challenge this in the Supreme Court..the fifth and fourteenth amendments protect rights...equal protection and full faith and credit.