Saturday, June 7, 2008

Circle the Helicopters!

Feels like the old west, except with helicopters circling overhead. So, I can't sleep. So, I'm online catching up on my blogging.

What should I catch up on? Well, first of all, at the BEA Writer's Conference, I got a new copy of the 2008 Writer's Market. I already have a copy so this one is extra so I decided to have a contest to give it away. If you're interested in that then go here.

Next, I have a poem coming out in the anniversary issue of Aoife's Kiss, which is a great magazine that everyone should subscribe to, even if they don't want to read my poem. (But you can buy that specific issue here.)

Last but not least I've been recently entertained by this test here and by this insult generator here. (I rated very poor on the housewife scale.)

And now, since the helicopters are STILL circling, on to my next blog...


Charles Gramlich said...

Congrats on the poem. That's very cool. I'll check out all your links.

Helicopters circling? Uhm, an outbreak of the Andromeda Strain or something? Are they black op helicopters?

Rachel V. Olivier said...

HA! No, just your standard LAPD helicopters chasing down some criminal in the middle of the night. Sometimes they're news copters because I'm close to Paramount Studios, but last night they were definitely LAPD copters and they didn't go away until after 3 AM.
