Saturday, April 12, 2008

Action Movie Persona

Got this from a friend of mine and I got a kick out of it since I recently went to a workshop on archetypes:

In the Action movie of your life, what archetype are you?

1. Tragic Hero - Strong enough and smart enough to save the world but not yourself.

2. Reluctant Hero - Able to save the world but has to be convinced.

3. Side Kick - Instrumental in saving the world but not in the hero's spot light.

4. Extra - Not in a position to save or to help save the world and ok with it.

5. Comic Relief - Wise crackin, good natured, always cutting the tension.

6. Victim - Part of the world that needs saving.

7. Scapegoat - Blamed for problems of the world but not the real problem.

8. Anarchist - Not part of the plan but would love to see the world in chaos.

9. Henchman - Instrumental in destroying the world but not the mastermind.

10. Face of Evil - The one that strikes fear in the heart of men, the target (think Vader).

11. Mastermind - The real villain, the puppet master pulling the strings behind the scenes.

I'm pretty sure I'm the Comic Relief.


Charles Gramlich said...

I'm probably a red shirt, if you know what that means.

John Krismanick said...

I believe that I am #1. Tragic Hero - Strong enough and smart enough to save the world but not yourself. Just a feeling =)


Rachel V. Olivier said...

LOL! The red shirt! Yep, I'd probably be one of them. Yeah, and I can see the Tragic Hero as well.